Happy New Year! We love this time of year because it gives us a chance to sit and reflect after a busy holiday season. Taking the time to look back on the past year can give you an idea of what you want 2019 to look like. Setting resolutions as a family can help you grow together and bond as you work toward new goals.
Here are five New Year resolutions you can make as a family this year!
1. Overcome fears
Whether it’s heights, spiders, or open water, each of you probably has a different fear that you let creep into your life. Decide that as a family, you will conquer your fears. Make a point to go zip lining to help your husband get over his fear of heights. Get your kids into swim lessons if they are scared of the water. And yes, tackle that spider with your shoe if it helps you get over your fear of the creatures once and for all.
2. Get active
We all know the benefits of exercise and being physically active for both ourselves and our children. Turning screens off and exercising together will help the whole family get onboard. Go for a family bike ride, plan a camping trip, or go outdoors for a nature scavenger hunt with your littles. Some fresh air and a little movement is good for everyone.
3. Go on adventures together
Make a bucket list for 2019 of all the things your family wants to do together. Let everyone contribute. You can make a big poster board with all your wanderlust items or write ideas on pieces of paper and stick them in a jar to pull out sporadically. Add adventure items both big and small. Include things like start a new tradition, have a picnic at the park, host a pool party, and campout in the backyard. You may not get to every item on the list, but it will give everyone something to aim for and a chance to see your little ones truest desires.
4. Volunteer together
Volunteering as a family can be both challenging and rewarding. It’s also a great opportunity to teach your kids about serving others and giving back. Your kids will gain new skills and develop a greater sense of the world. You can find different organizations online, including animal volunteer opportunities and Placer Food Bank. Use VolunteerMatch to find a cause you and your family are passionate about.
5. Turn off devices
Hopefully you’ll be so busy doing all the other things on this list that your kids won’t have time for screen time, but sometimes the day is long and a screen helps time pass. Screen time is okay when it is limited and controlled. Set a timer for screen time use and model healthy screen time as a parent. After all, your kids will be more likely to unplug if they see you doing the same.
Keep things simple and focus on quality time over grand adventures. Don’t get overwhelmed thinking it has to be extravagant or nonstop entertainment. Even small traditions and adventures help create a sense of identity and strengthen the family bond. And isn’t that the only true resolution worth keeping?